- Egypt 04/2014-present
- Qatar 01/2014-present
Project: ALEXANDRIA COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PROJECT, PROJECT ID: P095925, Preparation of feasibility study and detailed engineering design of low cost
treatment of the water discharged to lake mariout through qalaa drain.
Client: Ministry of Environment, Egypt.
Financed by: World Bank
Consultant: Niras
Task : Detailed Engineering Design
The ACZMP project is financed by GEF managed through the WB. The project includes 3 compo-nents and the EEAA Feasibility study and DED/Bidding documents for low cost treatment of the water discharged to Mediterranean Sea trough El Mex PS is under Component 2: Pollution reduction. The overall scope of the component 2 is: “Preparation of feasibility study and preliminary engineering design, Detailed Engineering Design and Bidding documents for the pollution reduction measures on Qalaa drain and Lake Mariout”
Based on the Approved Feasibility study, project intervention is located at the West WWTP integrated with the existing treatment plant process with the following components:
1. Natural aerated compact biofilm outside primary settling basins
2. Storm water basins (with vegetated wetland filter) as secondary settling basin
The features provided in the detailed designs and tender documents for sanitation components include the following:
• Preparation of process and hydraulic design.
• Hydraulic and mechanical design for the suggested units required.
• Designing the longitudinal section for the plant.
• Designing the required new service buildings.
• Designing all required electro-mechanical facilities.
• Structural design of all units and service buildings.
• Preparation of the detailed design drawings.
• Preparation of the technical specifications and BOQ.
• Providing training course for the client staff .
Client: Public Works Authority (PWA/Ashghal).
Financed by: World Bank
Consultant: KA WSP.
Task : Wetland Design
Project QN066 – “Development of Roads and Infrastructure in Al Khor Area Phase 2 (Excluding Commercial Street)” forms part of the Contract 2 framework and is a Category-A type, where existing infrastructure design has been conducted by other consultants, in addition to on-going construction projects that need to be evaluated and updated. This project is meant to aid in fulfilling the rising demand for roads and infrastructure in the Qatar North region, resulting from new housing, community facilities and future plans requirements. The proposed drainage system for the study area is a positive drainage system, to collect and discharg
The features provided in the detailed designs and tender documents for sanitation components include the following:
• • Preparation of process and hydraulic design.
• Designing the longitudinal section for the plant
• Designing the required new service buildings.
• Designing the required new service buildings.
• Designing all required electro-mechanical facilities.
• Preparation of the detailed design drawings
• Preparation of the technical specifications and BOQ